Judaism - References

Judaism References and Photo Credits


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Photo Credits 

Most images on this website are from We Animals Media (Jo-Anne McArthur), https://stock.weanimalsmedia.org/ found here https://stock.weanimalsmedia.org/groups/. Other sources for the Judaism pages are listed below in the order they appear.

Chapter 1, Introduction

  1. Three friends relaxing at Freedom Farm. Danielle Meiri. “Animal Advocacy & Sanctuaries: Israel: Middle East: Freedom Farm Sanctuary.” Pacific Roots Magazine. Sept. 4, 2019. http://pacificrootsmagazine.com/freedom-farm-sanctuary/.  

  2. “Anymal.” Image courtesy of lisa kemmerer, lisakemmerer.com.

  3. Frame from “Extra Fresh.” Abigail Klein Leichman. “Why Israelis are Leading the Vegan Revolution.” October 22, 2020. Israel21c. https://www.israel21c.org/why-israelis-are-leading-the-vegan-revolution/.   

Chapter 2, Anymals

  1. Rescued sheep greets a volunteer. We Animals Media. https://stock.weanimalsmedia.org/groups/  

  2. Sheep and turkey sharing company at Freedom Farm. Freedom Farm Sanctuary Facebook Page. https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1456777431167107.

  3. One chick is enough to keep hope alive. “Daniel,” Adi Winter, Yossi Wolfson, and Animals Now. Personal Email. Dec. 2021.

  4. Malish (two photos). Noga Shanee of the Israeli Primate Sanctuary Foundation.  Private e-mail. 

  5. Bottle feeding an ailing piglet. We Animals Media. https://stock.weanimalsmedia.org/groups/  

  6. Holocaust survivor Isaac Bashevis Singer. Louis Monier/Gamma-Rapho and Getty Images. https://www.loa.org/writers/111-isaac-bashevis-singer.  

  7. Billy at Freedom Farm (two images). Freedom Farm Sanctuary. “Hi  I’m Billy.” https://www.freedom-farm.org.il/en/billys-story/

  8. Gili and Miri at Freedom Farm. Nir Elias/Reuters and Yahoo.com: News. “Photos: Disabled animals given new lease of life at Israeli sanctuary.” March 13, 2019. https://news.yahoo.com/photos-disabled-animals-given-new-lease-of-life-at-israeli-sanctuary-154707911.html

  9. The preserved body of a passenger pigeon. The Smithsonian Museum. https://www.si.edu/object/ectopistes-migratorius:nmnhvz_4264779

  10. Hieronymous Bosch, “Garden of Earthly Delights,” circa 1500 AD. Wikkipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Garden_of_Earthly_Delights.  

  11. Yael and his friend greet a visitor. Nir Elias/Reuters and Yahoo.com: News. “Photos: Disabled animals given new lease of life at Israeli sanctuary.” March 13, 2019. https://news.yahoo.com/photos-disabled-animals-given-new-lease-of-life-at-israeli-sanctuary-154707911.html

  12. Elk along the TransCanada Highway. We Animals Media. https://stock.weanimalsmedia.org/groups/  

  13. Sangamithra Iyer, Emma, Gwen, and Niete (two images). Sangamithra Iyer. Personal email. July 2021. 

  14. Yossi Wolfson protesting. Yossi Wolfson. Personal Email. April. 2021.

  15. Relaxing at Freedom Farm. Freedom Farm Sanctuary. Pacific Roots Magazine. “Animal Advocacy & Sanctuaries: Israel: Middle East: Freedom Farm Sanctuary.” Sept. 4, 2019. http://pacificrootsmagazine.com/freedom-farm-sanctuary.  

  16. Tending to the needs of a resident at Freedom Farm. Nir Elias/Reuters and Pacific Roots Magazine. “Photos: Disabled animals given new lease of life at Israeli sanctuary.” March 13, 2019. https://news.yahoo.com/photos-disabled-animals-given-new-lease-of-life-at-israeli-sanctuary-154707911.html 

  17. Two babies meet. We Animals Media. https://stock.weanimalsmedia.org/groups/  

  18. Adoptive parent with a Beagle from the Freedom Project. We Animals Media. https://stock.weanimalsmedia.org/groups/  

  19. Snuggle time at Freedom Farm. Freedom Farm Sanctuary. “Animal Advocacy & Sanctuaries: Israel: Middle East: Freedom Farm Sanctuary.” Pacific Roots Magazine. Sept. 4, 2019. http://pacificrootsmagazine.com/freedom-farm-sanctuary/.  

Chapter 3, Diet

  1. Taryn Elliott and SportsKeeda. “Is Hummus Good for You? What You Need to Know.” Sneha Santuka. https://www.sportskeeda.com/health-and-fitness/is-hummus-good-you-what-you-need-know

  2. Adi Or and Israel Forever Foundation: Cooking Israel. “From Tel Aviv to Your Table: Top 5 Israel-inspired Vegan Dishes.” https://israelforever.org/israel/cooking/from-tel-aviv-to-your-table-top-5-israel-inspired-vegan-dishes/.  

  3. Kathryn King and United Poultry Concerns, “Peeper: A Story of Unending Love.” Poultry Press.  United Poultry Concerns. Winter 2012. https://www.upc-online.org/pp/winter2012/peeper.html.

  4. We Animals Media. https://stock.weanimalsmedia.org/groups/  

  5. Tal Gilboa/Instagram and LiveKindly. “A Vegan Is Now in Charge of Israel’s Animal Welfare Policies.” https://www.livekindly.co/vegan-now-charge-israels-animal-welfare-policies/

  6. We Animals Media. https://stock.weanimalsmedia.org/groups/  

  7. “The Gathering of the Manna.” (circa 1896-1902) James Tissot.  The Jewish Museum. https://thejewishmuseum.org/collection/26365-the-gathering-of-the-manna.

  8. Nir Elias/Reuters and Pacific Roots Magazine. “Animal Advocacy and Sanctuaries; Israel: Middle East: Freedom Farm Sanctuary.” Pacific Roots Magazine. Sept. 4, 2019. http://pacificrootsmagazine.com/freedom-farm-sanctuary/.

  9. Freedom Farm Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/FreedomFarmIsrael/photos/1540117132833136

  10. Freedom Farm Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/FreedomFarmIsrael/photos/1588396681338514.  

  11. Grain Offering.  “ Leviticus 2:1-16 (The Grain Offering).” YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmK-Lu9-fx4

  12. Kissing a ram at Freedom Farm. https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1982335525277959 

  13. We Animals Media. https://stock.weanimalsmedia.org/groups/  

  14. Freedom Farm Facebook Page. https://www.facebook.com/FreedomFarmIsrael/photos/pb.100071258453126.-2207520000./2046480102196834/?type=3

  15. George Altshuler. “Jews take part in growth of local vegan scene.” Washington Jewish Week. Sept. 28, 2016. https://www.washingtonjewishweek.com/jews-take-part-in-growth-of-local-vegan-scene/

  16. We Animals Media. https://stock.weanimalsmedia.org/groups/  

  17. YeahThat’sKosher. “Two New Kosher Vegan Restaurants in Center City Philly.”  Jan. 29, 2020. https://yeahthatskosher.com/2020/01/two-new-kosher-vegan-restaurants-in-center-city-philly/.

Chapter 4, Stories

  1. A bright green tree python. Save the Snakes. https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fsavethesnakes%2Fstatus%2F1102193113571835905&psig=AOvVaw1fV7cE-dYyhyVjHY_OwGoY&ust=1631199934146000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAkQjRxqFwoTCNi8xMjT7_ICFQAAAAAdAAAAABAb.  

  2. Choti Singh of Save the Snakes, with a lively wolf snake. Save the Snakes. https://savethesnakes.org/team/.  

  3. Lucas Cranach the Elder, “Adam and Eve,” circa 1520-25. Wikimedia Commons. https://useum.org/artwork/Untitled-Lucas-Cranach-the-Elder-2

  4. Hiral Naik of Save the Snakes, deftly moves a puff adder to safety. Save the Snakes. https://savethesnakes.org/team/

  5. Rembrandt Van Rijn, “The Fall of Man” (ca 1510). First Art Gallery. https://www.1st-art-gallery.com/Rembrandt-Van-Rijn/The-Fall-Of-Man.html

  6. Choti Singh of Save the Snakes, gently and carefully relocates a prairie rattlesnake who is trapped in a building. Save the Snakes. https://savethesnakes.org/team/

  7. Kelly Donithan, Ph.D. of Save the Snakes, holding a lovely Amazon whipsnake. Save the Snakes. https://savethesnakes.org/team/.

  8. Dr. Patrick Kinyata Malonza gently holding a . Save the Snakes. https://savethesnakes.org/team/.

  9. Bush Viper. Save the Snakes.  https://savethesnakes.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/snakebite-women-champions.png.

  10. Ilana and Shay, mother and son, at Freedom Farm Sanctuary in Moshav Olesh, Israel. Freedom Farm https://www.facebook.com/FreedomFarmIsrael/photos/1795000897344757

  11. Donkeys are still exploited for labor in many nations, including Israel. Iva Rajović and Unsplash. 2019. https://unsplash.com/photos/MG36o6sEIpU

  12. Vegan anymal activist Tal Gilboa kissing a rescued donkey. Tal Gilboa. “Vegan Activist Appointed as Animal Rights Advisor to Israeli Prime Minister.” Plant Based News. June 18, 2019. Updated Sept. 28, 2020. https://plantbasednews.org/culture/vegan-activist-animal-advisor-israeli-prime-minister/.

  13. Segev, a rescued donkey at Keren Or Sanctuary in Israel.  We Animals Media. https://stock.weanimalsmedia.org/groups/  

  14. A wide-eyed calf suckles on an artificial teat protruding from a feeding bucket on a dairy farm in Czechia. We Animals Media. https://stock.weanimalsmedia.org/groups/

  15. Jimmy Stuart and family with a calf. We Animals Media. https://stock.weanimalsmedia.org/groups/

  16. Weasels peek out of a hole in a tree. Jan Stýblo and Unsplash. https://unsplash.com/photos/4YcsFOuiB4Q

  17. Paul McCartney, proud vegan. Llosa, Emilio. “Vegetarian & Vegan Spotlight: Paul McCartney.”  She Magazine: Features: Food. Dec. 3, 2018. http://shemagazine.ca/food/steal-style-micheal-buble/

  18. Beautiful ball python. Save the Snakes. https://twitter.com/savethesnakes/status/1102193113571835905.  

  19. Visitor sharing time with donkeys at Godavari Donkey Sanctuary outside of Kathmandu. We Animals Media. https://stock.weanimalsmedia.org/groups/

  20. Staci with a cat at the vegan Freedom Farm Sanctuary in Moshav Olesh, Israel. “The Story of Staci.” Freedom Farm website: https://www.freedom-farm.org.il/en/the-story-of-staci/.

Chapter 5, Disquietudes

  1. Hen and girl. Freedom Farm Facebook Page. https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=845268848984638

  2. Free ranging, independent Macaque with baby. Macaque with baby in a research breeding facility. We Animals Media. https://stock.weanimalsmedia.org/groups/.

  3. “Creation: Day 6,” Joanne Yocheved Heiligman 2008. Jewish Art Quilts. https://jewishartquilts.com/creation-day-6/

  4. God reminds Job of the creatures created. William Blake, 19th century. Detail of Behemoth and Leviathan (Plate 15). Open Culture. https://www.openculture.com/2016/09/william-blakes-masterpiece-illustrations-of-the-book-of-job-1793-1827.html

  5. Michelangelo. “Creation of Adam” (1508-1512, Sistine Chapel Ceiling, Rome, Vatican). Wikiart. https://www.wikiart.org/en/michelangelo/the-creation-of-adam-1512

  6. “Muffie and Fluffie.” Holly Wills and United Poultry Concerns. https://www.upc-online.org/pp/spring2019/muffie_and_her_friends_remembered_with_love_and_lessons_learned.html.

  7. “Gentleman Jules” Karen Davis. United Poultry Concerns. https://www.upc-online.org/holiday/17/.

  8. Rescued hen. Freedom Farm Facebook Page. https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1758267641018083.

  9. Karen Davis at United Poultry Concerns with Nicholas & Nathaniel. United Poultry Concerns. https://www.upc-online.org/holiday/17/.  

  10. Linde, Steve. “Feeding Israel’s hungry.” Volunteers picking vegetables with Leket Israel. Jerusalem Post. March 30, 2019. https://www.jpost.com/jerusalem-report/feeding-israels-hungry-584853

  11. Jewish Veg teaching alternatives. Jewish Veg. https://jewishveg.org/kaporos/.

  12. Gently stroking a hen at Freedom Farm. Freedom Farm Facebook Page. https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=845268848984638

  13. A rooster rescued from slaughter. We Animals Media. https://stock.weanimalsmedia.org/groups/

Chapter 6, Activism

  1. Shamayim: Jewish Animal Advocacy. https://shamayim.us/

  2. Animals Now activists taking a photo break. Animals Now. https://animals-now.org/en/2019-recap/.

  3. In Tel Aviv, protesting against live animal imports. Surkes, Sue. “Stop Shipments of Live Animals to Israel for Slaughter.” Times of Israel. Jan. 31, 2017. https://www.timesofisrael.com/stop-shipments-of-live-animals-to-israel-for-slaughter-protesters-urge-court/

  4. Yossi Wolfson inspecting conditions in a pig farm in Northern Israel. Sent by Yossi via personal email. April. 2021.

  5. Child kissing a pig at Freedom Farm. Freedom Farm Facebook Page.  https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1877056195805893

  6. Jeremiah harnessed himself to a yoke. Heart of a Shepherd. https://heartofashepherd.com/2022/04/20/yokes-and-ropes-no-nation-is-too-big-to-fail-jeremiah-27/

  7. Pig and dog playing together at Freedom Farm. Freedom Farm. Freedom Farm Facebook Page.  https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1569158846595631

  8. An activist protesting Kaporos. The Jewish Star.  https://www.thejewishstar.com/stories/crying-fouloverkaporos,2011?

  9. Horse, who might otherwise be exploited for labor, living at a sanctuary. We Animals Media. https://stock.weanimalsmedia.org/groups/.

  10. “Lewis Gompertz - Jewish 'vegan' and co-founder of the RSPCA in 1824.” International Vegetarian Union. https://ivu.org/index.php/blogs/john-davis/123-lewis-gompertz-jewish-vegan-and-co-founder-of-the-rspca-in-1824.

  11. Richard Schwartz, photographer unknown. Sent by Richard Schwartz in a personal email. Feb. 2021.

  12. Jewish Veg. https://jewishveg.org/ 

  13. A mixed species Shamayim gathering. Shamayim website: “Retreat.” https://shamayim.us/#!/page/retreat 

  14. Jews and Arabs protesting in Haifa. Anonymous for Animal Rights/Animals Now. Frazin, Rachel. “How Israel Became the Global Center of Veganism.” The Tower. Sept. 2016. http://www.thetower.org/article/how-israel-became-the-global-center-of-veganism/.